27 Июл 2017 в 08:28Vasya Miroshnichenko Селена на Дне рождения Франсии Раисы Селена в месте с друзьями этой ночью на Дне рождении Франсии Раисы. Francia's birthday A post shared by Virginia Almendarez (@pelusa_3) on Jul 26, 2017 at 9:16pm PDT Happy birthday @franciaraisa ❤️🎂💝. You are a loyal, devoted friend and your generosity of heart is overwhelming. You are a true gift 🎁. There's nothing you wouldn't do for the ones you love. You make this world a better place. Happy Birthday and here's to many more. ❤️ A post shared by Erica Greve (@ericag44) on Jul 26, 2017 at 9:02pm PDT No comments yet
27 Июл 2017 в 08:28Vasya Miroshnichenko Селена на Дне рождения Франсии Раисы Селена в месте с друзьями этой ночью на Дне рождении Франсии Раисы. Francia's birthday A post shared by Virginia Almendarez (@pelusa_3) on Jul 26, 2017 at 9:16pm PDT Happy birthday @franciaraisa ❤️🎂💝. You are a loyal, devoted friend and your generosity of heart is overwhelming. You are a true gift 🎁. There's nothing you wouldn't do for the ones you love. You make this world a better place. Happy Birthday and here's to many more. ❤️ A post shared by Erica Greve (@ericag44) on Jul 26, 2017 at 9:02pm PDT
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