Фото и видео с шоу #REVIVALevent

Похоже, что Селена снимала видео на песню Same Old Love прямо во время #REVIVALevent, потому что один из сюрпризов был именно то, что фанаты которые пришли на #REVIVALevent участвуют в клипе Same Old Love, и это был не единственный сюрприз Селена наконец сделала снапчат вы можете ее фолловить selenagomez, и да она как всегда подарила всем фанатам пирожные.

Мы представляем фото и видео с мероприятия #REVIVALevent.


Caption this 💁

A video posted by James Palomares (@djsupajames) on

Everyone at the #revivalevent is going to be in the new @selenagomez video

A video posted by James Palomares (@djsupajames) on

Same old love! #revivalevent @selenagomez

A video posted by James Palomares (@djsupajames) on

She said it😱😍 #sameoldlove #selenagomez #revivalevent #nofilter #musicvideo #LA @selenagomez thank you!!! @927kkuu

A video posted by t e r r y y o c h o a 👹💋 (@terryy_) on

Last one. @selenagomez #REVIVALevent

A video posted by Brett Malec (@brettmalec) on

Same Old ❤️ so good! @selenagomez #REVIVALevent

A video posted by Brett Malec (@brettmalec) on

#REVIVALevent I am so excited right now it's not even funny.

A video posted by Amanda Cariato 💋 (@amandacariato) on

Met this doll face tonight @selenagomez adore her!!! #revivalevent

A video posted by JessMontville (@jessmontville) on

😍😍😍😍😍😍 can't get over her right now obsessed #revivalevent @selenagomez you queen

A video posted by 🇨🇴❤️ (@ambizzle.b) on

Add her on Snapchat👻 @selenagomez. This was her 1st surprise for us today at #REVIVALevent

A video posted by Adrian Santiago♈️ (@adr1an_sant1ago) on

• she's adorable • #morepicstocome #REVIVAL @selenagomez

A video posted by Jameel (@jameelshivji) on

I'm in my hotel room right now. I'm filled with so many emotions. I can't believe I actually got to meet my princess, I wouldn't be able to do it without you all. All the votes and everything you guys did to make my dream come true means the world to me. I'm forever grateful for this night. Selena was so adorable and the cutest little angel I've ever met. I did give her the scrapbook with your comments in it😉 so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU AGAIN I love you all SO SO SO much!!! I need to get some rest because I have a flight early tomorrow. I'll post ALL about it tomorrow!!💛 also Selena, thank you for being SO SO SO sweet!! I love you forever and always!!! "Wait? That's YOU THATS YOU YOU TOOK THAT MIRROR SELFIE TODAY RIGHT?!"😂😂😍😭💖💖

A video posted by @videosofgomez on

The babee😘😍💕 #revivalevent #selenagomez #sohappy #bejealous

A video posted by Joseline 😊 ❤ !! (@notsosweetjoseline) on

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