Селена выступает в Луисвилле

Селена выступила с концертом REVIVAL Tour этим вечером в Луисвилле.

Кликни по картинке, что бы посмотреть остальные фото в нашей новой фото галерее.


Селена встречает фанатов за кулисами концерта REVIVAL Tour в Луисвилле.

I mean, it's whatever. @selenagomez

A photo posted by Caroline Nauert (@carolinenauert) on

Oh just me and my bestie @selenagomez 💕 thanks for giving me a night out!

A photo posted by Caroline Nauert (@carolinenauert) on

I was too pale for the camera to work. 😫

A photo posted by KD (@kd_on_djx) on

That one time @selenagomez did the dog filter with me! 🐶🐶🐶🐶

A photo posted by KD (@kd_on_djx) on

Gettin' turnt with @selenagomez on my birthday. 💃🏻🔥 #26 #revivaltour2016

A photo posted by Nicole Wright (@bluebirdthetruebird) on

Squad goals AF #revivaltour2016

A photo posted by Alex On-Air (@yoalexrapz) on

U know….just hanging with @selenagomez b4 her show! She is DOPE! #revivaltour #989RadioNow #louisville #OldSchoolPoses

A photo posted by kobiontheradio (@kobiontheradio) on


A photo posted by @trevorswear on


A photo posted by Kendall Marie Bieber Geis 💁🏽 (@kendallgeis_) on

Me and my girls💗 #revivaltour2016

A photo posted by @emilyperez1 on

Селена выстречает фанатов в Луисвилле

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