Селена с фанатами после концерта в Калгари

Селена встречает фанатов на улице, после концерта в Калгари, Канада. Но в этот раз толпа начинала выходить из под контроля, как никогда, к сожалению из за этого команде REVIVAL Tour пришлось принять решение в следующий раз приостановить такие встречи Селены с фанатами после концертов, из за соображений безопасности, если фанаты опять устроят давку.

BABY 😍😩🙏🏼🔥❤️

A photo posted by Max Didluck (@maxdidluck) on

When you get a blurry picture with Selena Gomez✌🏻️😍

A photo posted by 🐢Chelsey🐢 (@chelsey_muller_) on

@selenagomez took this 💀

A photo posted by Talia (@taliamoore) on

@selenagomez for life

A photo posted by @brandominium on

So this happened I met the goddess herself. Selena Gomez said "Hi" too me! ❤😍 #yyc #selenagomez

A video posted by Sherry Woods (@anatakiikowaan) on

Close encounter w/ @selenagomez Thank you! Unexpected and appreciated! #concert #yyc @amanda_panda__ @optic_mr.plow

A video posted by Aga_RockStar (@czlowieczek) on

What is life

A photo posted by Riley Clark-Jenkins (@tigajiga) on

So I love @selenagomez ❤️😍 #shesreallylovely #revivaltour #yyc

A photo posted by @mai_lyelizabeth on

The back of yo' head is ridiculous, @selenagomez #revivaltour

A photo posted by ya gurl emmmm (@emmamcdowall) on

Holy shit

A photo posted by andrewhaukedal (@ahaukedal) on

It happened. Be jealous. #wizardsofwaverlyplace #selenagomez #my2favs 😉 #ilooksloppy

A photo posted by 🐂PierreFalla🐂 (@pierrefalla) on

Selfie with Selena Gomez

A photo posted by Dea Silviendy (@deasilvie) on

got caught in a sea of selenators last night and made it out alive 🌊

A photo posted by Anton Atienza (@antonatienza) on

12 year old me is screaming because she just met Alex Russo. 💫 @selenagomez #RevivalTour

A photo posted by @kelseyfrache on

Hi @selenagomez 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 #yyc #saddledome #selenagomez

A photo posted by 👑 E (@_erikamcarthur) on


🔥😍🔥 #revivaltour2016

A video posted by keanului (@keanului) on

so this happened tonight

A photo posted by anna (@_annawiedemann_) on

Pretty cool seeing @selenagomez tonight 🤘🏼 (Side note: that's not me fan-girling in the background)

A video posted by Taylor Lamb (@tayloorlamb) on

She's so sweet. She wanted my sister to be pulled my sister with her baby over so they wouldn't get hurt and Selena chatted after!

A photo posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I MET HER (@blessmegomez) on

Me & my girls #strongisbeautiful

A photo posted by Probably Mandy (@mandyvocke) on

Just taking a selfie with Selena Gomez, you? #SelenaGomez2016 #yyc #SoThisHappened

A photo posted by Lyndsey Grutterink (@lululyndsey) on

ALMOST TOUCHED YOU! 💕#selenagomez #revivaltour #cantkeepmyhandstomyself #iknowicouldbutwhywouldiwantto

A photo posted by April Ho 💁🏻 (@aprooolo) on

Genuine smiles all around 😊 #revivaltour #lastpic Link in bio on how I met her.

A photo posted by romar duco (@romar_d) on

So this happened…. #selenagomez #revivaltour

A photo posted by Megan (@meganstraight) on

thank you for coming out & saying hi to everyone, you're lovely✨💫

A photo posted by kim chicote (@l0vekim) on

Weekend Recap.

A photo posted by @chris_on_movin on

"oh it's a video" babe 👅👅 so cute 🔥🔥😍 #revivaltour #selenagomez @selenagomez

A video posted by amber bamber (@amber.dogar) on

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